
This page lists some examples for cDMN implementations. For now, most examples are based on DMCommunity challenges. In the future, other examples will be added as well.

The following table has a link for every example, together with a short list of the used concepts in the example.

cDMN Examples
Example Concepts
Who Killed Agatha Quantification, Constraints, Functions
Vacation Days Quantification, Functions, Relations
Vacation Days Advanced Quantification, Functions, Relations, Data Table, Optimization
Hamburger Challenge Quantification, Constraints, Data Table, Functions, Constants, Optimization
Monkey Business Quantification, Constraints, Functions
Change Making Quantification, Constants, Optimization
Doctor Planning Quantification, Constraints, Functions, Relations, Optimization, Data Table
Balanced Assignment Quantification, Functions
Map Coloring Quantification, Constraints, Functions, Relations, Data Table
Map Coloring With Violations Quantification, Constraints, Functions, Relations, Data Table, Optimization
Crack the Code Quantification, Constraints, Functions, Constants, Complex Maths
Zoo, Buses and Kids Quantification, Constraints, Functions, Constants, Optimization
Duplicate Product Lines Quantification, Functions, Relation, Data Table
Calculator with Two Buttons Quantification, Functions, Constants, Optimization
Virtual Chess Tournament Quantification, Functions, Constraints, Aggregates
SET Quantification, Functions, Relations, Data Table, Goal Table, Constraints, Aggregates
Covid Testing Booleans, Constants, Aggregates
Where is Gold? Relations, Constants, Aggregates
Classify Department Employees Functions, Constants, Relations, Aggregates, Quantification