Source code for idply

    Copyright 2022 Simon Vandevelde, Bram Aerts, Joost Vennekens
    This code is licensed under GNU GPLv3 license (see LICENSE) for more
    This file is part of the cDMN solver.

import re
from ply import lex, yacc
from cdmn.interpret import VariableInterpreter

[docs] class Parser: """ The parser is used to parse cDMN strings and find out their underlying secrets. This is a complex part of the solver, and works on magic and hope. """ def __init__(self, i: VariableInterpreter): """ Initialises the parser. :arg i: a VariableInterpreter object. :returns Object: """ self.result = '' self.interpreter = i self.lexer = lex.lex(module=self, reflags=re.UNICODE) self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self) self.variables = [] self.expected_type = None self.parsing_errors = {}
[docs] def parse_val(self, column_header: str, value: str, variables, simplified_variables={}) -> str: """ Parse a cDMN notation inside a cell. :param column_header: the column header of the cell :param value: the value inside the cell :param variables: no idea :returns str: the parsed notation. """ self.variables = variables self.result = '' if value is None or re.match('^-$', str(value)): return "" if re.match("[Aa]nnotation", column_header): return "" comparator = '^(?:>|<)(?:=)?|=' if not re.match(comparator, str(value)): value = f'= {value}' # If any variables can be simplified, i.e., always have a set value, # we can replace them by the set value to avoid quantification. for variable, var_value in simplified_variables.items(): column_header = re.sub(f'\\b{variable}\\b', var_value, column_header) value = re.sub(f'\\b{variable}\\b', var_value, value) if f'= {column_header}' == value: return "" try: self.parser.parse(column_header + value) except ValueError: if column_header in self.parsing_errors: self.parsing_errors[column_header].append(value) else: self.parsing_errors[column_header] = [value] self.variables = [] self.expected_type = None return self.result
reserved = { 'Not': 'NOT', 'not': 'NOT', 'yes': 'YES', 'Yes': 'YES', 'No': 'NO', 'no': 'NO', 'abs': 'ABS', 'Abs': 'ABS', 'min': 'MIN', 'Min': 'MIN', 'max': 'MAX', 'Max': 'MAX', } tokens = [ 'NUMBER', 'COMPARE', 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE', 'EQUALS', 'COMMA', 'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', 'LBRACK', 'RBRACK', 'UNTIL', 'ID', 'PERCENT', 'STRAIGHTQUOTE', 'LQUOTE', 'RQUOTE', 'LACC', 'RACC', 'DOT', 'HASHTAG' ] + list(set(reserved.values()))
[docs] def t_ID(self, t): r'[^\d\W][\w\s]*' t.value = t.value.strip() t.type = self.reserved.get(t.value, 'ID') # Check for reserved words return t
t_PLUS = r'\+' t_MINUS = r'(-|−)' t_TIMES = r'\*' t_DIVIDE = r'/' t_LPAREN = r'\(' t_RPAREN = r'\)' t_LBRACK = r'\[' t_RBRACK = r'\]' t_UNTIL = r'\.\.' t_COMMA = r',' t_COMPARE = r'(>|<)(=)?' t_EQUALS = r'=' t_PERCENT = r'%' t_STRAIGHTQUOTE = r'"' t_LQUOTE = '“' t_RQUOTE = '”' t_LACC = r"\{" t_RACC = r"\}" t_DOT = r'\.' t_HASHTAG = r'\#'
[docs] def t_NUMBER(self, t): r'\d+' try: t.value = int(t.value) except ValueError: print("Warning: Integer value too large %d", t.value) t.value = 0 return t
t_ignore = " \t"
[docs] def t_newline(self, t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
def t_error(self, t): print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]) t.lexer.skip(1) precedence = ( ('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'), ('left', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE'), ('right', 'UMINUS', 'HASHTAG'), ) # A statement serves as the returnvalue: # if a statement is found, we return it. # As long as there is no rule that forms a statement, the yacc will try to # keep looking for matches. # A match that forms a statement, ends the search.
[docs] def p_returnval(self, t): 'return : statement' self.result = t[1]
# Yes and No just return the name of the predicate.
[docs] def p_yes(self, t): '''statement : expression EQUALS YES''' t[0] = f'{t[1]}'
[docs] def p_no(self, t): '''statement : expression EQUALS NO''' t[0] = f'~({t[1]})'
# A don't care doesn't need any notation.
[docs] def p_dontcare(self, t): '''statement : expression EQUALS MINUS | expression EQUALS '''
[docs] def p_eqnotlist(self, t): 'statement : expression EQUALS NOT LPAREN expression RPAREN' t[0] = f'{t[1]} ~= {t[5]}'
[docs] def p_eqnot(self, t): 'statement : expression EQUALS NOT LPAREN list RPAREN' t[0] = '~({})'.format(' | '.join('{} = {}' .format(t[1], x) for x in t[5]))
[docs] def p_eqlist(self, t): '''statement : expression EQUALS list''' t[0] = '({})'.format(' | '.join('{} = {}' .format(t[1], x) for x in t[3]))
[docs] def p_compare(self, t): '''statement : expression EQUALS expression | expression COMPARE expression''' t[0] = f'{t[1]} {t[2]} {t[3]}'
[docs] def p_range(self, t): """ statement : expression EQUALS lbound expression UNTIL expression rbound | expression EQUALS lbound expression COMMA expression rbound """ comp_1 = '<' if t[3] in ['(', ']'] else '=<' comp_2 = '<' if t[7] in [')', '['] else '=<' t[0] = f"{t[4]} {comp_1} {t[1]} & {t[1]} {comp_2} {t[6]}"
[docs] def p_prange(self, t): """ statement : expression EQUALS LPAREN expression UNTIL expression RPAREN """ comp_1 = '<' if t[3] in ['(', ']'] else '=<' comp_2 = '<' if t[7] in [')', '['] else '=<' t[0] = f"{t[4]} {comp_1} {t[1]} & {t[1]} {comp_2} {t[6]}"
# Dirty workaround to fix bug.
[docs] def p_rrange(self, t): """ statement : expression EQUALS LPAREN expression UNTIL expression RBRACK """ comp_1 = '<' if t[3] in ['(', ']'] else '=<' comp_2 = '<' if t[7] in [')', '['] else '=<' t[0] = f"{t[4]} {comp_1} {t[1]} & {t[1]} {comp_2} {t[6]}"
[docs] def p_nrange(self, t): """ statement : expression EQUALS NOT LPAREN lbound expression COMMA \ expression rbound RPAREN """ comp_1 = '<' if t[3] in ['(', ']'] else '=<' comp_2 = '<' if t[7] in [')', '['] else '=<' t[0] = f"{t[1]} {comp_1} {t[4]} & {t[4]} {comp_2} {t[6]}"
# A list is 2 expressions seperated by a comma. # Lists that exist of multiple comma's will be seperated and added to the # array one by one.
[docs] def p_list(self, t): '''list : expression COMMA expression | list COMMA expression''' try: t[1].append(t[3]) t[0] = t[1] except AttributeError: t[0] = [t[1], t[3]]
[docs] def p_expression_abs(self, t): 'expression : ABS expression' t[0] = f'abs({t[2]})'
[docs] def p_quotes(self, t): ''' expression : LQUOTE expression RQUOTE | STRAIGHTQUOTE expression STRAIGHTQUOTE ''' t[0] = f'\"{t[2]}\"'
""" The domain size operator, "#Type", should be translated into an aggregate that counts the amount of elements in the type. For normal IDP, the below expression fires with input of the following: "#Type[OtherType]". This OtherType is incorrect, and has to be removed. """
[docs] def p_domain_size(self, t): ''' expression : HASHTAG expression ''' type_name = re.findall(r"(.*?)(\[| |$)", str(t[2]))[0][0] t[0] = f'#{{ typevar ∈ {type_name}_t : true}}'
[docs] def p_expression_binop(self, t): """ expression : expression PLUS expression | expression MINUS expression | expression TIMES expression | expression DIVIDE DIVIDE expression | expression DIVIDE expression | expression PERCENT expression """ if t[2] == '+': t[0] = f'{t[1]} + {t[3]}' elif t[2] == '-': t[0] = f'{t[1]} - {t[3]}' elif t[2] == '*': t[0] = f'{t[1]} * {t[3]}' elif t[2] == '/': t[0] = f'{t[1]}/{t[3]}' if t[3] == '/': # For // operator. t[0] = f'({t[1]} - {t[1]}%{t[4]})/{t[4]}' elif t[2] == '%': t[0] = f'{t[1]} % {t[3]}'
[docs] def p_expression_uminus(self, t): 'expression : MINUS expression %prec UMINUS' t[0] = f'-{t[2]}'
[docs] def p_expression_group(self, t): 'expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN' t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
[docs] def p_lbound(self, t): '''lbound : LPAREN | LBRACK | RBRACK''' t[0] = t[1]
[docs] def p_rbound(self, t): '''rbound : RPAREN | RBRACK | LBRACK''' t[0] = t[1]
[docs] def p_expression_number(self, t): 'expression : NUMBER' t[0] = t[1]
[docs] def p_dot(self, t): 'expression : NUMBER DOT NUMBER' t[0] = f"{t[1]}.{t[3]}"
[docs] def p_expression_name(self, t): 'expression : ID' try: interpretation = self.interpreter.interpret_value(t[1], self.variables, self.expected_type) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(e) if self.expected_type is None and not t[1] == '__PLACEHOLDER__': try: self.expected_type = except AttributeError: self.expected_type = "" t[0] = interpretation
def p_error(self, t): try: print(f"Syntax error at '{t.value}'") raise ValueError(f"Syntax error at '{t.value}'") except AttributeError: pass